Do you evaluate office as well as home workspaces?
Yes. HealthDesk is equipped to assess both home and office workspaces.
Can’t I just look for ergonomic advice online and adjust my own workspace?
By all means, yes. However, if you find the information too one-size-fits-all, too overwhelming, or you just don’t have the time to do the research, that’s where HealthDesk comes in. I provide you with customized solutions specific to your individual workspace.
I don’t have any pain. Why should I bother with this?
Repetitive stress injuries linked to our reliance on modern office technology are an increasingly common occupational health problem. It’s healthier, easier, and more cost-effective to reduce your risk, rather than trying to reduce your pain once it occurs.
How much time will I spend on this process?
15 minutes to prepare (intake survey and photo upload). Then 30-45 minutes on our Zoom call.
I am interested in assessments for multiple employees. Do you offer volume discounts?
Yes. Please contact me so we can discuss a plan that works for your organization.
Will my employer pay for this?
Many employers have expanded their benefits to include workspace improvements and wellness offerings.. Contact your employer to see if they offer these benefits.